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  • Poland | The Lazy Antelope

    The Lazy Antelope’s Polish sourdough starter exemplifies the beauty and complexity inherent in the art of bread-making. From its cultural roots in Polish tradition to its carefully curated feeding regimen and promising culinary applications, this starter invites both novice and experienced bakers to engage with a piece of living history. Poljska Temno ržena sladka pšenica The Lazy Antelope z veseljem oznanja najnovejši dodatek k naši zbirki predjedi iz kislega testa z vsega sveta! Ta ljubka poljska kultura je bila kupljena pri podjetju Ed Wood's International Sourdoughs naročilo št. 112-1111567-0042638, ki jo je kupilo v majhni poljski pekarni. Pridelan je bil na rži pumpernickel in hranjen s temno rženo moko Bob's Red Mill Organic, polnozrnato in preverjeno brez GSO. in je sveže zmlet na mlinskih kamnih ima močan in značilen okus, nismo prepričani o njegovi točni starosti. Hranimo ga: Bob's Red Mill Organic Stone Mlet temno ržena moka, ki je polnozrnata in preverjena BREZ GSO - PAREVE & 90/10 z 90 temno ržjo in 10 Pride of the Prairie Natural S'Wheat Naravno sladka pšenica, ki je pristna polnozrnata pšenična polnozrnata moka podjetja Farmer Direct Foods, Inc. Pridelana je iz zemlje v Kansasu, je košer in BREZ GSO. Gre za 100% trdo belo polnozrnato pšenično moko (dvakrat letno).

  • Tools Needed To Bake Bread | The Lazy Antelope

    There are a few tools that help making sourdough bread easier to do, although they aren’t required. Orodja, potrebna za pripravo kruha iz kislega testa Obstaja nekaj orodij, ki pomagajo pri lažji pripravi kruha iz kislega testa, čeprav niso potrebna. Rad uporabljam samostoječi mešalnik, ker mi prihrani veliko časa. Mešate lahko ročno; Svojim rokam rad dam oddih. Če nimate stoječega mešalnika in vseeno želite pripraviti kruh brez ročnega gnetenja, vam bom predstavil metodo, imenovano raztezanje in zlaganje, ki odpravlja potrebo po gnetenju. Druge stvari, ki jih ves čas uporabljam pri pripravi kruha iz kislega testa, so banneton košare, namizno strgalo, lame in termometer. Uporabite lahko samo košare, ki jih imate doma, če vsebujejo približno enako količino testa. Imam tudi nerjavne sklede, ko moram narediti veliko štruc hkrati. Namizno strgalo je priročno za strganje testa iz sklede, razdeljevanje testa na več hlebcev in strganje po pultu pri oblikovanju. Termometer za sladkarije ali meso je zame postal obvezen. Včasih sem ugotovil, da moj kruh iz kakršnega koli razloga ni bil pečen do konca. Lame (izgovarja se LAHM, kar v francoščini pomeni »rezilo«) je običajno dolga tanka palica, izdelana za držanje kovinske britvice, ki se uporablja za rezanje ali zarezovanje testa za kruh, ki pomaga nadzorovati širjenje štruce med peko. Bannetons in Brotforms so evropske košare za vzhajanje, namenjene obrtniški peki kruha in jih je mogoče uporabljati izmenično. (Izraza se včasih uporabljata tudi zamenljivo.) »Banneton« je francosko ime za takšne košare, medtem ko je »Brotform« nemško.

  • 1000 Year old Italy | The Lazy Antelope

    The sourdough starter from the Camaldoli Monastery is more than just a culinary ingredient; it represents a bridge between the past and the present, connecting modern bakers to the spiritual and communal practices of medieval monks. Verjetno 1000 let staro iz samostana Camaldoli Italija Ta italijanska predjed iz kislega testa je verjetno ena najstarejših v stalni uporabi. Kupljeno pri J.Davenport's Famous Sourdough starters. Njihov vir je to predjed kupil pred desetletjem v majhni pekarni v toskanskem gorovju Apeninov; pekarna, ki so jo pred sto leti začeli pripravljati menihi v bližnjem samostanu Camaldoli. Ta samostan je okoli leta 1012 našega štetja zgradil sv. Romauld, benediktinski menih, ki je želel ustvariti prostor za samotno versko razmišljanje. V sveti samoti Camaldoli še danes živijo benediktinski kamaldolski menihi, ki tam živijo, častijo in pečejo. Legenda pravi, da predjed iz kislega testa, ki so jo negovali pred tisoč leti, ti menihi še vedno uporabljajo danes, s prizadevanji J. Davenporta pa se lahko njihova predjed iz kislega testa deli tudi zunaj njihovega čudovitega svetega pobočja. (J. Davenport) Lastnosti Legenda pravi, da je lahko ta zaganjalnik star več kot tisoč let, saj je bil v stalni uporabi, odkar je bil samostan zgrajen. Je lahka in ima kompleksen in nežen profil kislosti

  • About Us | The Lazy Antelope

    The Lazy Antelope is the product of a family of bakers who are committed to cultivating a diverse selection of sourdough starters sourced from various regions around the globe. This remarkable journey commenced when the Endicott family migrated from England to the United States, bringing a treasured heritage sourdough starter that embodies generations of bread-making expertise. Vse o Leni antilopi Kot znana spletna trgovina ponujamo različne zgodovinske predjedi iz kislega testa z vsega sveta ter visokokakovostne izdelke, ki jih spremlja premišljena in učinkovita storitev. Od prvega dne si neumorno prizadevamo razširiti našo ponudbo in našim strankam zagotoviti najboljše izdelke. Naša strast do odličnosti nas je gnala od začetka in nas še naprej navdihuje naprej. Ekipa The Lazy Antelope ve, da vsak izdelek šteje, in si prizadeva narediti celotno nakupovalno izkušnjo kar se da enostavno in koristno. Preverite našo trgovino in akcijske ponudbe ter nas kontaktirajte z vprašanji ali povpraševanjem. Z veseljem vam pomagamo! Kontaktiraj nas Naša ekipa Stephanie Dixson Lisa Wertz Matthew Stigleman

  • Australia | The Lazy Antelope

    Over the years, Australia has cultivated a rich and diverse bread-making tradition, sourdough bread is renowned for its tangy flavor and chewy crust. It is valued for its taste and health benefits, attributable to the natural fermentation process that enhances digestibility. Rye bread, recognized for its nutty flavor and dense texture, has become popular among health-conscious consumers. Australia Over the years, Australia has cultivated a rich and diverse bread-making tradition, resulting in a wide array of flavorful and nutritious bread varieties. Each type of bread has distinctive qualities, catering to various tastes and dietary needs. For example, the classic white bread, prized for its soft texture and mild flavor, has been a staple in Australian homes for generations, serving as an ideal base for sandwiches and toast. Conversely, sourdough bread is renowned for its tangy flavor and chewy crust. It is valued for its taste and health benefits, attributable to the natural fermentation process that enhances digestibility. Rye bread, recognized for its nutty flavor and dense texture, has become popular among health-conscious consumers, as it typically offers higher fiber and nutrient content than traditional wheat bread. Additionally, crispy flatbreads, available in various forms such as pita or lavash, are appreciated for their versatility, being suitable for dips, wraps, or as accompaniments to various dishes. This culture produces bread with a distinctive flavor and texture fed with Jovvily White Rye is made from pure food-grade ingredients without additives or preservatives, and All Trumps Flour - High Gluten (Unbleached, Unbromated) Kosher flour twice annually, along with daily feedings of white rye. With the same ratios for feeding 1.1.1

  • 400 Year old Bavarian Black Death | The Lazy Antelope

    The Bavarian “Black Death” sourdough starter is more than just a means to produce high-quality bread; it serves as a bridge connecting modern bakers to a rich historical narrative that spans nearly four centuries. Bavarska "črna smrt" O tem Menim, da je to eden najboljših evropskih predjedi. Izdeluje čudovit kruh, ki ga povezujejo z južnim delom Nemčije. In kot bi pričakovali, ima tudi precej zanimivo in bogato zgodovino. Ustna zgodovina kaže, da ta predjed izvira približno iz obdobja nemške črne smrti (1633) in izvira iz mesta Oberammergau. Dobesedno leta sem potreboval, da sem izsledil zanesljivo nemško kulturo iz tega obdobja. To sorto sem lahko našel pri eni sami družini, ki jo je prenašala skozi številne generacije. Ne smemo pozabiti, da komercialni kvas za domačo pripravo kruha ni bil na voljo vse do 20. stoletja. Pred tem so družine in pekarne lahko spekle kvašeni kruh le tako, da so imele zanesljiv starter. S prihodom komercialnega kvasa je večina ljudi preprosto zavrgla starterje, ki so jih uporabljali leta. Toda tu in tam naletim na starega družinskega starterja z veliko zgodovino. To je edina zgodovinska nemška predjed, ki mi jo je uspelo najti in ki se prenaša skozi eno samo družino že skoraj 400 let. Kruh, ki ga vzhaja, je naravnost čudovit. Kupil sem to od človeka, ki se je rodil in odraščal na Bavarskem (nedaleč od Oberammergaua). Kakšno srečo sem imel, da sem ga našel. To je ena mojih najljubših predjedi in zdaj jo delim z vami. Lastnosti Izvor: Evropa Starost: 400 Okus: Oster Aktiven: Da

  • Bristol England | The Lazy Antelope

    This Sourdough Starter is a living, multi-award-winning wild yeast culture. It has been fed daily for an incredible 68 years. In that time, it's raised some of the finest bread. To become a custodian of this edible heritage is priceless. Bristol England 68 Years old from The Hobbs House Bakery The Hobbs House Bakery Sourdough Starter is a living, award-winning wild yeast culture that has been nurtured daily for an impressive 68 years. During this time, it has contributed to the creation of some of the finest bread. Becoming a custodian of this edible heritage is truly invaluable. The starter is cultivated using conventional wholemeal flour made from strong English wheat. The Hobbs House Bakery Sourdough Starter The Legacy of the Hobbs House Bakery Sourdough Starter: A Study in Culinary Heritage In the realm of culinary arts, few elements are as revered as a well-cultivated sourdough starter. The Hobbs House Bakery’s sourdough starter, a living testament to tradition and craftsmanship, thrived for 68 years in Bristol, England. This explores the historical significance, cultural value, and technical intricacies of this award-winning wild yeast culture, asserting that it is much more than an ingredient; it is a custodian of heritage and a symbol of artisanal baking. Historical Context The Hobbs House Bakery, established in 1920, is a family-run institution that has evolved alongside the baking practices of the United Kingdom. The sourdough starter at the heart of this establishment is a living entity continuously fed with wholemeal flour derived from strong English wheat. Its age and consistency underscore a historical narrative that reflects the evolution of baking techniques and the cultural shifts in grain production and consumption in England. As bread has been a staple food for centuries, the methods, ingredients, and recipes associated with it have varied widely, showcasing the adaptability of bakers to the changing agricultural landscape. The Science of Sourdough The unique interaction of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria present in the sourdough starter is at the core of the Hobbs House Bakery's success. These microorganisms, cultivated from the local environment, contribute to sourdough bread's distinct flavors and textures. The fermentation process enhances the bread's taste and nutritional profile, making it easier to digest and more beneficial in terms of gut health. The daily feeding of the starter with quality wholemeal flour is crucial, as it provides the sustenance the yeast and bacteria require to thrive, thereby perpetuating a cycle that has continued for decades. Cultural Significance Becoming a custodian of such a storied sourdough starter is an endeavor imbued with cultural significance. In an age where industrialized baking has overshadowed traditional methods, the Hobbs House Bakery is a beacon of artisanal craftsmanship. The act of nurturing this starter is not merely about creating bread; it is an engagement with history, tradition, and communal identity. Sourdough bread, often considered the ‘soul of the kitchen,’ serves as a medium for familial connections and cultural exchange. The starter embodies the stories, memories, and rituals of those who have baked with it, making it a living artifact of culinary heritage. Awards and Recognition The accolades received by Hobbs House Bakery's sourdough starter highlight the quality and dedication of the artisans behind it. In baking competitions, this starter has consistently been recognized for the exceptional bread it produces and for preserving traditional practices in a modern context. These achievements emphasize the importance of maintaining skills and knowledge that are at risk of being lost in a rapidly changing food industry. The 68-year-old sourdough starter at Hobbs House Bakery is more than just a culinary tool; it symbolizes resilience and continuity in baking. Its existence challenges the notion of mass-produced bread and encourages a deeper appreciation for the art of baking. As custodians of this edible heritage, the bakers at Hobbs House Bakery contribute to Bristol's gastronomic landscape and a broader dialogue about the significance of preserving traditional food practices in an increasingly homogenized world. Through the lens of this remarkable sourdough starter, we are reminded of the rich history, culture, and science that baking embodies, providing us with a connection to our past and guidance for our culinary future.

  • Basic Sourdough Bread Recipe | The Lazy Antelope

    Servings: 1 Loaf Ingredients 475 grams or 3 1/2 cups All-purpose flour 100 grams or 1/2 cup sourdough starter active and bubbly 325 grams or 1 1/3 cups water 10 grams or 2 tsp salt Osnovni recept za kruh iz kislega testa Ta recept za kruh iz kislega testa ustvari rustikalno obrtniško štruco, ki je popolna za začetnike! Čas priprave 15 minut Čas kuhanja 50 minut Čas mirovanja/vzhajanja 18 ur Skupni čas 19 ur 5 minut Obroki: 10 Kalorije: 364 kcal Sestavine 7,5 skodelice moke za kruh lahko nadomesti večnamensko moko 1 skodelica aktivne in peneče predjedi kislega testa 3 skodelice vode 4 žličke morske soli Navodila NEOBVEZNO: V veliki skledi ali skledi stoječega mešalnika zmešajte moko, vodo in kislo testo ter pustite stati 30 minut, da se avtolizira (za boljši razvoj glutena), preden dodate sol. Če izvajate postopek avtolize, dodajte sol po 30 minutah. Če ne, zmešajte vse sestavine v veliko skledo. METODA RAZTEGNI IN ZLOŽI (če uporabljaš stoječi mešalnik, preskoči na korak 6): Mešaj s trdno leseno žlico ali rokami, dokler ne nastane kosmato testo. Pokrijte s čisto, vlažno kuhinjsko krpo in pustite stati 20 minut. METODA RAZTEGNI IN ZLOŽI: Dokončajte 1 niz raztegnjenih in prepognjenih testa tako, da primete en rob testa in močno povlečete navzgor, kolikor lahko, ne da bi se testo zlomilo, nato pa ga prepognete. Obrnite skledo za četrt obrata in ponavljajte, dokler ne pridete do konca. METODA RAZTEGNI IN ZLOŽI: Ponovite korak 4 vsakih 15 minut v 3 krogih. Nato ponovite vsakih 30 minut še 3 kroge. Ne pozabite, da ni nujno, da je čas popoln (preberite zgoraj) METODA S STOJEČIM MEŠALNIKOM: S kavljem za testo nastavite mešalnik na najnižjo hitrost in mesite 10-15 minut. Skledo pokrijte s plastično folijo in pustite, da masa testa fermentira 6-12 ur, dokler se vsaj ne podvoji. Ko vzhajate, ga s pomočjo namiznega strgala zvrnite na rahlo pomokano delovno površino. Testo razdelite na 2 enaka dela. Vzemite en vogal testa naenkrat in ga zložite vase. Ko to naredite na štirih enakih straneh, obrnite testo tako, da so gube na dnu. Z rokami ga zavrtite naokoli v smeri urinega kazalca in ga po potrebi potisnite pod. Oblikovano testo z licem navzdol položite v vzhajalno košaro ali skledo. Pokrijemo s plastično folijo in postavimo v hladilnik za vsaj 12 ur. Čas v hladilniku ni obvezen, vendar priporočljiv! Za peko segrejte pečico z Dutch Oven notri na 475°. Testo prevrnite na pergamentni papir in zarežite z britvico ali ostrim nožem (če dodate malo moke ali koruznega zdroba na vrh pred zarezovanjem, bo vzorec bolj izstopal). Testo previdno položite v vročo nizozemsko pečico in pokrijte. Pokrito pečemo 25 minut, nato še 25 minut s pokrito. Notranja temperatura kruha mora biti vsaj 195 °F takoj po tem, ko ga vzamete iz pečice. Previdno odstranite kruh iz nizozemske pečice (jaz ga samo obrnem na leseno desko za rezljanje) in pustite, da se ohladi vsaj 1 uro, preden ga narežete.

  • Privacy Policy | The Lazy Antelope

    Security of your Personal Information: The Company secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. POLITIKA ZASEBNOSTI Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy ("Policy") applies to 315 Diehl Avenue, and The Lazy Antelope ("Company") and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to the Company include 315 Diehl Avenue. The Company's website is a e-commerce site. By using the Company website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement. Collection of your Personal Information In order to better provide you with products and services offered, the Company may collect personally identifiable information, such as your: - First and last name - Mailing address - Email address - Phone number If you purchase the Company's products and services, we collect billing and credit card information. This information is used to complete the purchase transaction. We do not collect any personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us. However, you may be required to provide certain personal information to us when you elect to use certain products or services. These may include: (a) registering for an account; (b) entering a sweepstakes or contest sponsored by us or one of our partners; (c) signing up for special offers from selected third parties; (d) sending us an email message; (e) submitting your credit card or other payment information when ordering and purchasing products and services. To wit, we will use your information for, but not limited to, communicating with you in relation to services and/or products you have requested from us. We also may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future. Use of your Personal Information The Company collects and uses your personal information in the following ways: - to operate and deliver the services you have requested - to provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us - to provide you with notices about your account - to carry out the Company's obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered between you and us, including for billing and collection - to notify you about changes to our 315 Diehl Avenue or any products or services we offer or provide through it - in any other way we may describe when you provide the information - for any other purpose with your consent. The Company may also use your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from the Company and its affiliates. Sharing Information with Third Parties The Company does not sell, rent, or lease its customer lists to third parties. The Company may share data with trusted partners to help perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange for deliveries. All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide these services tothe Company, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information. The Company may disclose your personal information, without notice, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on the Company or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of the Company; and/or (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Company, or the public. Automatically Collected Information The Company may automatically collect information about your computer hardware and software. This information can include your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times, and referring website addresses. This information is used for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding the use of the Company's website. Security of your Personal Information The Company secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. The Company uses the following methods for this purpose: - SSL Protocol When personal information (such as a credit card number) is transmitted to other websites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. We strive to take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or alteration of your personal information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, you acknowledge that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations inherent to the Internet that are beyond our control; and (b) the security, integrity, and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and us through this site cannot be guaranteed. Right to Deletion Subject to certain exceptions set out below, on receipt of a verifiable request from you, we will: - Delete your personal information from our records; and - Direct any service providers to delete your personal information from their records. Please note that we may not be able to comply with requests to delete your personal information if it is necessary to: - Complete the transaction for which the personal information was collected, fulfill the terms of a written warranty or product recall conducted in accordance with federal law, and provide a good or service requested by you, or reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise perform a contract between you and us; - Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; or prosecute those responsible for that activity; - Debug to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality; - Exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise his or her right of free speech, or exercise another right provided for by law; - Comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act; - Engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that adheres to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, when our deletion of the information is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of such research, provided we have obtained your informed consent; - Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with your expectations based on your relationship with us; - Comply with an existing legal obligation; or - Otherwise use your personal information, internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the context in which you provided the information. Children Under Thirteen The Company does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this website. Email Communications From time to time, the Company may contact you via email for the purpose of providing announcements, promotional offers, alerts, confirmations, surveys, and/or other general communication. If you would like to stop receiving marketing or promotional communications via email from the Company, you may opt out of such communications by clicking on the unsubscribe button. Changes to This Statement The Company reserves the right to change this Policy from time to time. For example, when there are changes in our services, changes in our data protection practices, or changes in the law. When changes to this Policy are significant, we will inform you. You may receive a notice by sending an email to the primary email address specified in your account, by placing a prominent notice on our The Lazy Antelope, and/or by updating any privacy information. Your continued use of the website and/or services available after such modifications will constitute your: (a) acknowledgment of the modified Policy; and (b) agreement to abide and be bound by that Policy. Contact Information The Company welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Policy. If you believe that the Company has not adhered to this Policy, please contact the Company at: The Lazy Antelope _________________ Des Moines, Iowa 50315 Email Address: Phone Number: 7579852699 Effective as of April 09, 2024

  • Legal Disclaimer | The Lazy Antelope

    Maintaining a sourdough starter involves managing an ecosystem of microscopic yeast and bacteria. The key to ensuring a healthy sourdough starter is controlling the factors which influence microbial survival and growth. Vzdrževanje starterja za kislo testo vključuje upravljanje ekosistema mikroskopskih kvasovk in bakterij. Ključ do zagotavljanja zdrave predjedi kislega testa je nadzor dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na preživetje in rast mikrobov. NE UŽIVAJTE SUROVE PREJEDI-VSE NAŠE PREJEDI SO V NEKI TOČKI VSEBOVALE PŠENICO IN IMAJO VISOKO VSEBNOST GLUTENA-NE UŽIVAJTE, ČE STE ALERGIJA NA PŠENICO IN/ALI GLUTEN Pravna izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti TA STORITEV LAHKO VSEBUJE PREVODE, KI JIH OMOGOČAJO DRUGE STORITVE TRETJIH OSEB, KOT JE GOOGLE TRANSLATE. The Lazy Antelope ZAVRAČA VSAKA JAMSTVA POVEZANA S PREVODI, IZRECNA ALI NAZNAČENA, VKLJUČNO Z KAKRŠNIMI NAZNAČENIMI JAMSTVI GLEDE TOČNOSTI, ZANESLJIVOSTI IN VSEH NAZNAČENIH JAMSTEV GLEDE PRODAJE, PRIMERNOSTI ZA DOLOČEN NAMEN IN NEKRŠITVE. Uporabljajte varne postopke za ravnanje s hrano. Začnite s čisto kuhinjsko opremo in površinami ter uporabite kakovostne sestavine. Pred rokovanjem s sestavinami in opremo si umijte roke, saj je čistoča kadar koli ogrožena. Omejite onesnaževalce v zraku tako, da zaganjalnik pustite ohlapno pokrit. Moka je surovi kmetijski proizvod. Moka sama po sebi ni živilo, pripravljeno za uživanje, zato jo je treba pred zaužitjem vedno skuhati. Moka se lahko kontaminira na kateri koli točki v prehranjevalni verigi, zlasti doma pri rokovanju. Pred peko ne okusite surovega kislega predjedi. Namesto tega je treba za določitev, kdaj je vaša predjed pripravljena, uporabiti videz mehurčkov, oster vonj, konsistenco testa, ekspanzijo in zapise korakov priprave. Postopek fermentacije bo zakisal starter, kar pomaga preprečiti rast patogenov. Faza pečenja bo uničila vse prisotne bakterije. Divji kvas je naravno na moki in v zraku. Kvasa ni treba namerno zajemati iz zraka, niti komercialnega kvasa ni treba dodajati pri pripravi starterja za kislo testo. Te divje kvasovke so neaktivne, vendar se pod ustreznimi pogoji aktivirajo v prisotnosti vode. Kontaminiran starter je treba zavreči. NE uporabljajte starterja za kislo testo, ki kaže kakršne koli znake plesni (obarvan in/ali mehak), posodo pa je treba temeljito očistiti in splakniti, preden začnete znova. Pri predjedi kislega testa se lahko pojavi tekoča plast, ki diši po alkoholu, kar je v redu. Tekočina je stranski produkt fermentirajočega kvasa in jo lahko bodisi odlijete ali vmešate. Pri starterju kislega testa, ki ga hranite v hladilniku in ga ne dovajate redno, se lahko na površini tekoče plasti pojavijo belkaste grudice, ki so varne kvasovke, vendar ne plesen. Spremljajte dejavnike, ki vplivajo na rast mikroorganizmov: Čas: Ustvarjanje starterja ali rehidracija posušenega starterja bo trajalo več dni rednega hranjenja. Ko bo pripravljeno za uporabo, bo brbotalo in naraslo ter razvilo prijeten kisel vonj. Temperatura: Mikroorganizmi, ki fermentirajo, so bolj sposobni preživeti pri temperaturah, ki so za vas ugodne, pri topli sobni temperaturi (okoli 70 °F). Fermentacija se bo pri nižjih temperaturah upočasnila in se bo zgodila prehitro ali celo ustavila, ko bo prevroče za vaše udobje. Vlaga: voda v kombinaciji z moko bo zagotovila okolje, potrebno za gojenje divjega kvasa in bakterij. Zaganjalnik naj bo ohlapno pokrit, da preprečite razvoj plesni. Kislost: Koristne mlečnokislinske bakterije (LAB) bodo proizvedle mlečno kislino, ki bo povečala kislost in varno znižala pH pod 4,6. To hitro nakisanje predjedi kislega testa bo pomagalo omejiti rast škodljivih mikroorganizmov, vključno s plesnijo. Hranila: Potrebni so redni intervali hranjenja. Odstranitev nekaj starterja z vsakim novim dodatkom moke in vode pomaga pri dostopu hranil za optimalno rast mikrobov. Vrsta moke bo prav tako vplivala na razvoj mikrobov in končni izdelek. Kisik: Fermentacija predjedi kislega testa bo proizvedla ogljikov dioksid. Zaganjalnik mora biti ohlapno pokrit, da se plin varno sprosti, vendar kultura ne potrebuje kisika.

  • Copy of Safety & Allergen Information | The Lazy Antelope

    Varnostne informacije Proizvedeno v obratu, ki uporablja tudi pšenico. Vse predjedi so nekoč vsebovale pšenico. Sestavine, odvisno od predjedi, lahko vsebujejo: Nebeljena večnamenska moka King Arthur, temna ržena moka, moka pumpernickel, italijanska moka 00 Pravna izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti Izjave o prehranskih dopolnilih niso bile ocenjene s strani FDA in niso namenjene diagnosticiranju, zdravljenju ali preprečevanju kakršne koli bolezni ali zdravstvenega stanja. Informacije o alergenih Gluten, pšenica

  • Copy of Safety & Allergen Information | The Lazy Antelope

    Varnostne informacije Proizvedeno v obratu, ki uporablja tudi pšenico. Vse predjedi so nekoč vsebovale pšenico. Sestavine, odvisno od predjedi, lahko vsebujejo: Nebeljena večnamenska moka King Arthur, temna ržena moka, moka pumpernickel, italijanska moka 00 Pravna izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti Izjave o prehranskih dopolnilih niso bile ocenjene s strani FDA in niso namenjene diagnosticiranju, zdravljenju ali preprečevanju kakršne koli bolezni ali zdravstvenega stanja. Informacije o alergenih Gluten, pšenica

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