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- Saudi Arabia | The Lazy Antelope
Saudi Arabia We have obtained a sourdough culture from this region through a company that has an impeccable reputation for authentic sourdough starters. This culture rises moderately well and has one of the most distinctive flavors of all our cultures. In the history of bread, Arabic bread holds a prominent position. The ancient civilizations of the Middle East, such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Hittites, Arameans, Assyrians, Egyptians, and Nabateans, contributed to the development of Arabic bread. In the Arabic language, bread is commonly referred to as ‘Khubz’ or ‘Khoubz.’ One of the oldest examples of Arabic bread is the traditional Shrak or Markook flatbread, which has been prepared at home for centuries. It is extremely popular in the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. Formed by mixing cereal and grain flour with water, the obtained dough would then be baked over a fire. This process has stood the test of time, and to this day, Arabic bread remains a staple in many homes across the Middle East. In Saudi Arabia, ‘khubz’ is the most common type of bread. It is similar to pita bread and features a round shape and a pocket, perfect for stuffing with various ingredients like shawarma, falafel or salads. Another notable bread in Saudi Arabia is the ‘mamoul,’ a sweet pastry filled with dates or sesame paste. Although this may not be a traditional bread like the others mentioned, it is still a beloved dessert option that showcases the region’s diverse flavors.
- Irina's Sourdough Bread Recipe | The Lazy Antelope
To make sourdough loaf 1 cup of fed and bubbly starter 1 1/2 cups very warm water 3 cups Winona unbleached flour 2 tsp. Salt Irina's Sourdough Recipe To make sourdough loaf 1 cup of fed and bubbly starter 1 1/2 cups very warm water 3 cups Winona unbleached flour 2 tsp. Salt To feed the starter 1/2 cup warm water 3/4 cup All Trumps flour Leave in a warm spot for about 4 hours Let the loaf proof in the refrigerator overnight. Preheat the oven to 450 while you score your bread Bake in your Dutch oven covered for 40 minutes Remove lid and bake another 10 minutes Put the lid back on and let it cool completely for a softer loaf Recipe by: Irina Pyatak
- 1000 Year old Italy | The Lazy Antelope
The sourdough starter from the Camaldoli Monastery is more than just a culinary ingredient; it represents a bridge between the past and the present, connecting modern bakers to the spiritual and communal practices of medieval monks. Cishe Iminyaka eyi-1000 ubudala ukusuka eCamaldoli Monastery Italy Lesi siqalisi senhlama emuncu yase-Italy kungenzeka singesinye sezindala ezisetshenziswa njalo. Kuthengwe kwabaqalayo baka-J.Davenport's Famous Sourdough. Umthombo wabo uthenge lesi siqalisi eminyakeni eyishumi edlule ebhikawozi elincane elishutheke ezintabeni zaseTuscan Apennine; ibhikawozi eliqale eminyakeni eyikhulu ngaphambili ezindela eCamaldoli Monastery eseduze. Lesi sigodlo sakhiwa cishe ngo-1012 AD nguSt. Romauld, indela yamaBenedictine, owayefuna ukwakha indawo yokubonisana yedwa ngokwenkolo. Kuze kube namuhla, i-Sacred Hermitage yaseCamaldoli isaqhubeka nokuhlalisa izindela zaseBenedictine Camaldolese, ezihlala, zikhulekele futhi zibhake endaweni. Inganekwane ibamba ukuthi inhlama emuncu abayinakekelwa eminyakeni eyinkulungwane edlule isasetshenziswa yilezi zindela namuhla, futhi ngemizamo ka-J. Davenport isiqalo sabo senhlama emuncu singabelwa ngale kwentaba yabo enhle engcwele. (J. Davenport) Izakhiwo Inganekwane ithi lesi siqalisi singaba ngaphezu kweminyaka eyinkulungwane ubudala, sisetshenziswa njalo kusukela isigodlo sezindela saqala ukwakhiwa. Ilula futhi inephrofayili yobumuncu eyinkimbinkimbi futhi ethambile
- About Us | The Lazy Antelope
The Lazy Antelope is the product of a family of bakers who are committed to cultivating a diverse selection of sourdough starters sourced from various regions around the globe. This remarkable journey commenced when the Endicott family migrated from England to the United States, bringing a treasured heritage sourdough starter that embodies generations of bread-making expertise. Konke mayelana ne-Lazy Antelope NjengeSitolo Se-inthanethi esaziwa kakhulu, sinikezela ngezinhlobonhlobo zeziqalo zenhlama emuncu ezivela emhlabeni wonke kanye nezinto zekhwalithi ephezulu ezihambisana nesevisi ecabangelayo nephumelelayo. Kusukela ngosuku lokuqala, besisebenza ngokungakhathali ukuze sandise iminikelo yethu futhi sinikeze amakhasimende ethu imikhiqizo ehamba phambili. Uthando lwethu lokwenza okuhle lusiqhube kwasekuqaleni futhi lusaqhubeka nokusikhuthaza ukuya phambili. Ithimba e-The Lazy Antelope liyazi ukuthi yonke imikhiqizo ibalulekile, futhi lilwela ukwenza konke ukuzizwisa kokuthenga kube lula futhi kuvuze ngangokunokwenzeka. Bheka isitolo sethu nezipesheli, futhi uthinte imibuzo noma izicelo. Siyajabula ukusiza! Xhumana nathi Ithimba lethu UStephanie Dixson Lisa Wertz Matthew Stigleman
- Bristol England | The Lazy Antelope
This Sourdough Starter is a living, multi-award-winning wild yeast culture. It has been fed daily for an incredible 68 years. In that time, it's raised some of the finest bread. To become a custodian of this edible heritage is priceless. Bristol England 68 Years old from The Hobbs House Bakery The Hobbs House Bakery Sourdough Starter is a living, award-winning wild yeast culture that has been nurtured daily for an impressive 68 years. During this time, it has contributed to the creation of some of the finest bread. Becoming a custodian of this edible heritage is truly invaluable. The starter is cultivated using conventional wholemeal flour made from strong English wheat. The Hobbs House Bakery Sourdough Starter The Legacy of the Hobbs House Bakery Sourdough Starter: A Study in Culinary Heritage In the realm of culinary arts, few elements are as revered as a well-cultivated sourdough starter. The Hobbs House Bakery’s sourdough starter, a living testament to tradition and craftsmanship, thrived for 68 years in Bristol, England. This explores the historical significance, cultural value, and technical intricacies of this award-winning wild yeast culture, asserting that it is much more than an ingredient; it is a custodian of heritage and a symbol of artisanal baking. Historical Context The Hobbs House Bakery, established in 1920, is a family-run institution that has evolved alongside the baking practices of the United Kingdom. The sourdough starter at the heart of this establishment is a living entity continuously fed with wholemeal flour derived from strong English wheat. Its age and consistency underscore a historical narrative that reflects the evolution of baking techniques and the cultural shifts in grain production and consumption in England. As bread has been a staple food for centuries, the methods, ingredients, and recipes associated with it have varied widely, showcasing the adaptability of bakers to the changing agricultural landscape. The Science of Sourdough The unique interaction of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria present in the sourdough starter is at the core of the Hobbs House Bakery's success. These microorganisms, cultivated from the local environment, contribute to sourdough bread's distinct flavors and textures. The fermentation process enhances the bread's taste and nutritional profile, making it easier to digest and more beneficial in terms of gut health. The daily feeding of the starter with quality wholemeal flour is crucial, as it provides the sustenance the yeast and bacteria require to thrive, thereby perpetuating a cycle that has continued for decades. Cultural Significance Becoming a custodian of such a storied sourdough starter is an endeavor imbued with cultural significance. In an age where industrialized baking has overshadowed traditional methods, the Hobbs House Bakery is a beacon of artisanal craftsmanship. The act of nurturing this starter is not merely about creating bread; it is an engagement with history, tradition, and communal identity. Sourdough bread, often considered the ‘soul of the kitchen,’ serves as a medium for familial connections and cultural exchange. The starter embodies the stories, memories, and rituals of those who have baked with it, making it a living artifact of culinary heritage. Awards and Recognition The accolades received by Hobbs House Bakery's sourdough starter highlight the quality and dedication of the artisans behind it. In baking competitions, this starter has consistently been recognized for the exceptional bread it produces and for preserving traditional practices in a modern context. These achievements emphasize the importance of maintaining skills and knowledge that are at risk of being lost in a rapidly changing food industry. The 68-year-old sourdough starter at Hobbs House Bakery is more than just a culinary tool; it symbolizes resilience and continuity in baking. Its existence challenges the notion of mass-produced bread and encourages a deeper appreciation for the art of baking. As custodians of this edible heritage, the bakers at Hobbs House Bakery contribute to Bristol's gastronomic landscape and a broader dialogue about the significance of preserving traditional food practices in an increasingly homogenized world. Through the lens of this remarkable sourdough starter, we are reminded of the rich history, culture, and science that baking embodies, providing us with a connection to our past and guidance for our culinary future.
- Australia | The Lazy Antelope
Over the years, Australia has cultivated a rich and diverse bread-making tradition, sourdough bread is renowned for its tangy flavor and chewy crust. It is valued for its taste and health benefits, attributable to the natural fermentation process that enhances digestibility. Rye bread, recognized for its nutty flavor and dense texture, has become popular among health-conscious consumers. Australia Over the years, Australia has cultivated a rich and diverse bread-making tradition, resulting in a wide array of flavorful and nutritious bread varieties. Each type of bread has distinctive qualities, catering to various tastes and dietary needs. For example, the classic white bread, prized for its soft texture and mild flavor, has been a staple in Australian homes for generations, serving as an ideal base for sandwiches and toast. Conversely, sourdough bread is renowned for its tangy flavor and chewy crust. It is valued for its taste and health benefits, attributable to the natural fermentation process that enhances digestibility. Rye bread, recognized for its nutty flavor and dense texture, has become popular among health-conscious consumers, as it typically offers higher fiber and nutrient content than traditional wheat bread. Additionally, crispy flatbreads, available in various forms such as pita or lavash, are appreciated for their versatility, being suitable for dips, wraps, or as accompaniments to various dishes. This culture produces bread with a distinctive flavor and texture fed with Jovvily White Rye is made from pure food-grade ingredients without additives or preservatives, and All Trumps Flour - High Gluten (Unbleached, Unbromated) Kosher flour twice annually, along with daily feedings of white rye. With the same ratios for feeding 1.1.1
- 400 Year old Bavarian Black Death | The Lazy Antelope
The Bavarian “Black Death” sourdough starter is more than just a means to produce high-quality bread; it serves as a bridge connecting modern bakers to a rich historical narrative that spans nearly four centuries. I-Bavarian "Black Death" Mayelana Ngikholwa ukuthi ingesinye seziqalo ezinhle kakhulu zaseYurophu ezitholakalayo. Kwenza isinkwa esimangalisayo esiye sahlotshaniswa nengxenye eseningizimu yeJalimane. Futhi, njengoba umuntu ebengalindela, iza nomlando othokozisayo nocebile futhi. Umlando oxoxwayo ukhombisa ukuthi lesi siqalisi sisukela enkathini ye-Black Death yaseJalimane (1633) futhi yadabuka edolobheni lase-Oberammergau. Kwangithatha iminyaka ukulandelela isiko lamaJalimane elithembekile kusukela kulesi sikhathi. Ngikwazile ukuthola lolu hlobo lobunzima emndenini owodwa okade uludlulisela ezizukulwaneni eziningi. Umuntu kufanele akhumbule ukuthi imvubelo yezohwebo yokwenza isinkwa sasekhaya yayingatholakali kwaze kwaba sekhulwini lama-20. Okuwukuphela kwendlela imindeni namabhikawozi ayekwazi ukubhaka ngayo isinkwa esifakwe imvubelo ngaphambi kwalokhu kwakuwukuba nesiqalisi esithembekile. Ngokufika kwemvubelo yezohwebo, abantu abaningi bavele bakhipha iziqalo abebezisebenzisa iminyaka. Kodwa njalo nje, ngigijima nginqamula umqali womndeni omdala onomlando omuhle. Lona ukuphela komqalisi waseJalimane ongokomlando engikwazile ukumthola osedluliselwe emndenini owodwa cishe iminyaka engu-400. Isinkwa esisibilisayo sihle kakhulu. Ngathenga lokhu endodeni eyazalelwa futhi yakhulela eBavaria (bude buduze ne-Oberammergau), Yeka indlela engaba nenhlanhla ngayo ngokuyithola. Ingenye yeziqalisi engizikhonzile futhi manje sengikwabelana ngayo nawe. Izakhiwo Umsuka: EYurophu Ubudala: 400 Nambitha: Tangy Iyasebenza: Yebo
- Copy of Safety & Allergen Information | The Lazy Antelope
Ulwazi Lokuphepha Kwenziwe endaweni esebenzisa ukolweni. Zonke iziqalo beziqukethe ukolweni ngesikhathi esithile. Izithako ngokuya ngesiqalisi zingaqukatha: Inkosi u-Arthur ikhiphe ufulawa we-All Purpose, ufulawa we-rye omnyama, ufulawa we-pumpernickel, ufulawa wase-Italy ongu-00 Umshwana Wokuzikhipha Emthwalweni Wezomthetho Izitatimende eziphathelene nezithako zokudla azikahlolwa yi-FDA futhi azihloselwe ukuxilonga, ukwelapha, ukwelapha, noma ukuvimbela noma yisiphi isifo noma isimo sezempilo. Ulwazi lwe-Allergen I-Gluten, ukolweni . .
- Copy of Safety & Allergen Information | The Lazy Antelope
Ulwazi Lokuphepha Kwenziwe endaweni esebenzisa ukolweni. Zonke iziqalo beziqukethe ukolweni ngesikhathi esithile. Izithako ngokuya ngesiqalisi zingaqukatha: Inkosi u-Arthur ikhiphe ufulawa we-All Purpose, ufulawa we-rye omnyama, ufulawa we-pumpernickel, ufulawa wase-Italy ongu-00 Umshwana Wokuzikhipha Emthwalweni Wezomthetho Izitatimende eziphathelene nezithako zokudla azikahlolwa yi-FDA futhi azihloselwe ukuxilonga, ukwelapha, ukwelapha, noma ukuvimbela noma yisiphi isifo noma isimo sezempilo. Ulwazi lwe-Allergen I-Gluten, ukolweni . .
- Reviews | The Lazy Antelope
Susan on Jan 24, 2024 5 out of 5 stars This starter was held up due to our ice storm, so it took 10 days to get here. But I fed it immediately and it doubled in six hours! Robust, sweet smelling, and I can hardly wait to bake with it! USusan ngoJanuwari 24, 2024 5 kwezinkanyezi ezi-5 Lesi siqalisi samiswa ngenxa yesiphepho sethu seqhwa, ngakho kuthathe izinsuku eziyi-10 ukufika lapha. Kodwa ngayipha ukudla ngokushesha futhi yaphindeka kabili ngamahora ayisithupha! Iqinile, inuka kamnandi, futhi angisakwazi nokulinda ukubhaka ngayo! Kodwa ngi-ode kuphela inkomishi engu-1/3, ngakho-ke ngihlakulela inqwaba enkulu. Nakanjani owinile. U-Riley Jones Engeza Isibuyekezo Senze kanjani? Would you recommend us to your friends? Yes No Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Safety & Allergen Information | The Lazy Antelope
Manufactured in a facility that also uses wheat. All starters have contained wheat at some point. With the exception of the Gluten Free Starter. Ingredients depending on the starter could contain: King Arthur unbleached All-Purpose flour, dark rye flour, pumpernickel flour, 00 Italian flour, T55, All Trumps Flour—High Gluten (Unbleached, Un bromated), Kosher. Ulwazi Lokuphepha Kwenziwe endaweni esebenzisa ukolweni. Zonke iziqalo beziqukethe ukolweni ngesikhathi esithile. Izithako ngokuya ngesiqalisi zingaqukatha: Inkosi u-Arthur ikhiphe ufulawa we-All Purpose, ufulawa we-rye omnyama, ufulawa we-pumpernickel, ufulawa wase-Italy ongu-00 Umshwana Wokuzikhipha Emthwalweni Wezomthetho Izitatimende eziphathelene nezithako zokudla azikahlolwa yi-FDA futhi azihloselwe ukuxilonga, ukwelapha, ukwelapha, noma ukuvimbela noma yisiphi isifo noma isimo sezempilo. Ulwazi lwe-Allergen I-Gluten, ukolweni . .
- Baking in a Dutch Oven | The Lazy Antelope
A Dutch Oven is very important when baking rustic loaves. I prefer cast iron, but you can use the DO of your choice. Ukubhaka I-Sourdough kuhhavini wase-Dutch . . I-oven yase-Dutch ibaluleke kakhulu lapho ubhaka izinkwa ze-rustic. Ngincamela i-iron, kodwa ungasebenzisa i-DO oyikhethayo.Shisisa ihhavini yakho ibe ngu-475° ngaphambi kokubhaka. Ngishisa ihhavini kuqala nge-Oven yami yase-Dutch ngaphakathi.Lapho ukhipha inhlama yakho esiqandisini (noma ngemva nje kokubumba uma ujahile), yidlulisele kubhasikidi wokuhlola uye ephepheni lesikhumba. Ingaphezulu lenhlama lingaphansi kwesitsha noma ubhasikidi njengoba kufakazela. Uhlangothi obelubheke phezulu kubhasikidi noma endishini manje seluzobheke phansi kwikhawunta. Yehlisa ngokucophelela isinkwa ku-Hot Dutch Oven.Faka isembozo, usibeke kuhhavini bese ubhaka imizuzu engu-30. Ngemva kwalokho, susa isembozo bese ubhaka enye imizuzu engu-20-25. Izinga lokushisa langaphakathi kufanele okungenani libe ngu-195°F. Khipha ngokucophelela isinkwa kuhhavini yase-Dutch ngokushesha ukuze uvimbele uqweqwe olungezansi ukuba lube mnyama kakhulu. Ungayibeka endaweni yokupholisa noma ebhodini lokusika. Khona-ke, vumela isinkwa sipholile okungenani ihora ngaphambi kokusikwa. Sebenzisa ummese wesinkwa ukuze usike kanye nomhlahlandlela uma unawo.